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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 26/09/17Craig Carton Allegedly Arranged Ticket Scam To Pay Huge Casino Debts. WFAN radio host Craig Carton, of Boomer & Carton Show fame, owed an outstanding debt of $2. Security and Exchanges Commission’s fraud lawsuit against Carton, businessman Joseph Meli, and the pair’s companies. Per the lawsuit, Carton and Meli misappropriated $5.
I am interviewed by Betsy Bird for the School Library Journal’s Fuse #8 blog. Check it out if you want to read about my opinions on Zork, my life in the convent. The Watch (previously known as Neighborhood Watch) is a 2012 American science fiction comedy film directed by Akiva Schaffer and written by Jared Stern, Seth Rogen. After months of leaks and hints, Fibit has finally revealed its newest wrist wearable: The $300 Fitbit Ionic. Fitbit claims up to four days of battery life, a refined. Often mistaken for an American because of his skill at imitating accents, actor Tim Roth was born Timothy Simon Roth on May 14, 1961 in Lambeth.
One example: Carton provided to one investor fictitious agreements for entities controlled by Meli or Carton to purchase at face value, directly from a concert promoter or venue, millions of dollars’ worth of tickets to upcoming concerts by the artists Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Roger Waters, Metallica, and Barbra Streisand. In reality, no such agreements with the concert promoter or venue existed, and the signatures for the concert promoter or venue were forged. Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Movie Watch Online. Carton provided to another investor documents referencing a purported agreement by an entity controlled by Meli to purchase millions of dollars’ worth of Adele concert tickets at face value, directly from Adele’s management company. Again, there was no such agreement with Adele’s management company. The SEC alleges that Carton and Meli’s plan was to continue doing this to new investors, using their money to repay previous investors and Carton’s gambling debts.
In August 2. 01. 6, the radio host allegedly said he was millions of dollars in the hole to a casino, and owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to other parties. From page six of the complaint: 1. On or about August 3.
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Mike Fahey. Kotaku elder, lover of video games, toys, snacks and other unsavory things.

Carton emailed Meli and Associate 1 that he had “approx. September 9,” which referred to a debt of approximately $2. On or about September 7, 2. Carton emailed Meli and Associate 1, stating that he had debts totaling “around $3. M in the whole”; that he had “risked and lost $7. ASAP” to a particular individual, which referred to an $8. As described below, approximately one week after sending this email, Carton used a majority of the funds invested by the Individual Investor ($7.
In September of last year, Carton convinced a hedge fund to give him $2. December. The lawsuit claims Carton took $6. When the hedge fund was in talks to pledge another $1. Carton told Meli to draw up letter agreements that were ultimately meaningless: Carton specifically asked Meli to create the purported “letter agreements,” for the express purpose of providing them to the Hedge Fund. Although these fake agreements purported to be between Advance Entertainment (a Meli- controlled entity) and the Concert Promoter (a third party), Carton dictated the terms he wanted reflected in them.
Specifically, on or about December 3, 2. Carton texted Meli: “Update. I’m closing on Monday with [the Hedge Fund] at 1.
JM: I need all those letter agreements executed and done with Ticket Jones. Can TJ be mentioned in each of those individual concert agreements.” One minute later, Carton texted Meli: “These guys are buttoned up and have pledged us $1.
Let’s close this [expletive] now.” On or about December 5, 2. Carton texted Meli: “Please have letters between Advance and [the Concert Promoter] say $1. On or about December 7, 2. Carton emailed the Hedge Fund the purported “letter agreements”—each signed (with a forged signature on behalf of the Concert Promoter) and for the purchase and sale of $1.
Carton had specified. The FBI arrested Carton this morning and charged him with “securities fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit those offenses.” He appeared in federal court in Manhattan this afternoon. The full SEC lawsuit can be found below.
The Fitbit Ionic Might Be the Smartwatch That Unseats Apple. After months of leaks and hints, Fibit has finally revealed its newest wrist wearable: The $3. Fitbit Ionic. Fitbit claims up to four days of battery life, a refined OS that pairs nicely with devices running i. Watch Johnny Frank Garrett`S Last Word Streaming there. OS, Android, and Windows, and a brand new sensor for tracking your heart rate. This smartwatch, which visually calls to mind the lovechild of an Apple Watch and a Fitbit Surge, is a natural progression for the huge wearable company.
Just last year, it snapped up notable smartwatch makers Pebble and Vector for a reported $3. And between the almost- perfect Surge and the incredibly unattractive Blaze, Fitbit has been interested in the smartwatch sector of the wearable market for a while. This is the culmination of that interest. A Walk In The Clouds Full Movie Part 1 on this page.
It’s profoundly ugly—like every Fitbit that’s come before, but it could be technologically cool enough that you might not care. A smartwatch, even an unattractive one, makes sense for Fitbit right now. According to IDC, Fitbit’s market share plummeted over the last year leading the former number one wearable brand to drop to third place in market share behind Apple and Chinese tech titan Xiaomi. While you won’t find a Xiaomi fitness tracker or smartwatch on many wrists in America, you will find the Apple Watch.
Here in New York, I see a few on wrists every single day as I commute into work. Yet, while Fitbit has seen its marketshare shrink, the company still claims to have over 5.
It’s down, but not out, and clearly hopes that the Ionic will help turn things around. When it comes to style it can’t hope to beat Google and its myriad of partners in the fashion world. It’s big bezel and sharp angles can’t even beat the gentle curves of an Apple Watch.
The Apple Watch, by virtue of being Apple- made, is something of a fashion accessory now. The Ionic will likely be too big and square to accomplish the same feat.
So one way Fitbit is hoping to distinguish itself is by focusing on what it does best: Fitness. To that end. Fitbit claims it’s built an incredible accurate new heartrate sensor. The current Fitbits use its Pure. Pulse system which is an optical heartrate sensor using green lights that rapidly flash across the skin allowing and sensor to detect the pulse of a person’s blood flow.
This is the de facto method for detecting the heartrate on the wrist. With the Ionic, Fitbit is introduces a new “triwave color sensor” that uses a combination of red, green, and infrared lights to detect bloodflow.
How well it detects it, and whether it is more accurate than previous Fitbit devices or the Apple Watch remains to be seen. For the fitness focused, the Ionic is also water resistant up to 5.
GPS, has swappable bands so you don’t have to look like a gym goober all day, and can automatically detect when you exercise and when you stop exercising—useful if you jog with a dog. And with a claimed four days of battery life, it could certainly do that. Battery life has long been one of the things holding smartwatches back from more widespread adoption. They can handle a day of constant use, but generally crap out early into day two.
Meanwhile, the Ionic loaner Fitbit provided us on Thursday, which is running an early build of the software and nowhere near representative of the final product, was at 5. That’s more than three days of wear, whilst constantly checking my heart rate, and more importantly, polling my phone for notifications. Over the last few years, Fitbit has gotten pretty good at delivering notifications to your wrist, but it’s just not as good at it as wristables running watch. OS or Android Wear. The Ionic could, potentially, change that.
It allows for call, text, and calendar notifications. Theoretically, it can handle notifications from other apps as well, and I managed to get it to work with three of the other apps on my phone. Besides notifications (and the option for different watch faces) another big smartwatch must the Ionic has is an NFC chip for cardless payments at retailers.
At launch it is expected to work with Mastercard, Visa, and American Express—though Fitbit insists its working with banks for better interoperability. But the best smartwatch feature coming to a Fitbit device are apps.
Fitbit is going to launch a gallery where developers can add their own apps and watch faces for anyone to download. Apps will be subject to a review process and coded using Javascript and SVR. They’re expected to be designed in Fitbit Studio, a new web- based tool, similar to the one the defunct Pebble used to rapidly build a library of apps. In fact Tomas Sarlandie, Fitbit’s Software Engineering Director, told journalists at a recent briefing that Studio had already been seeded to select former Pebble developers in the hopes that they’d develop for the new Fitbit OS platform. And Fitbit had better cross its fingers they do, because at launch there will be exactly four non- Fitbit apps available on the Ionic: a Starbucks, Accuweather, cycling app Strava, and Pandora. Those are meager options, but the Pandora one could be nifty, as it will allow you to take Pandora offline and onto the watch’s 2.
GB of storage space (provided you have a Plus or Premium Pandora account). There’s no Spotify, or Google or Apple Music, so if you don’t want to listen to Pandora you’ll need to side load your own music. All of it will play via Bluetooth headphones, including the pair Fitbit itself is launching around the same time. The Fitbit Flyer are wireless Bluetooth headphones that Fitbit claims have six hours of playtime in them, compatibility with all available digital assistants, audio prompts for connectivity and battery life, and a small selection of wings, tips, and fins to help you find a better fit.
The Fitbit Flyer wireless earbuds will retail for $1. Fitbit Ionic will retail for a whopping $3. That’s not a super competitive price, but it’s cheaper than the better looking watches on Android Wear and priced the same as the super successful Apple Watch—which is rumored to have its own update coming in September.
The Fitbit Ionic starts shipping in October 2.