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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 05/07/17Lifestyle Factors That Can Affect Your Social Success. This article lists various lifestyle issues that someone may want to keep in mind as they plan how they'll try to improve their social skills in the future. It covers similar ground to some other articles on the topic. This one is about how you may actually handle it when some of those various factors are having a negative impact on your social life. Another is on factors that can sometimes make a person's social situation improve very quickly, many of which are related to aspects of lifestyle.
Lifestyle factors can exert a big effect on your current social success. They can also have a large impact on the opportunities you'll have to practice and develop your people skills going forward. The importance of these factors changes over your life. When you're younger you have little control over them and have to do the best you can with the hand you're dealt.
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College is a bubble that's set up to give students a good social experience. It's once someone graduates and is out in the work world that lifestyle differences can really exert their influence.
Take two people who are still fairly shy and socially inexperienced in their mid- twenties. One of them lives in some far- flung part of the city, and has to work 6.
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The other lives right downtown, and has a laid back position and a ton of fun co- workers. It's not hard to tell who will have an easier time of things. Lifestyle factors are especially relevant because a lot of people with social issues have tendencies that won't naturally cause them to go out of their way to get out there and be around others. When you're already inclined not to particularly sociable or comfortable with people, then you just need a little resistance from your environment to push many opportunities too far out of reach. If you haven't overcome your shyness and social difficulties, then bad lifestyle factors can be the final nail in the coffin.

At the very least they can keep you from making further progress and cause you to throw away a few years of your life. On the other hand, good decisions can shift things in your favor. Of course, you still have to make the best of your situation's potential. You could be in the middle of the world's greatest lifestyle set up, but it won't amount to anything if you sit alone in your room all day. Here are some lifestyle factors that can affect your social progress.
You obviously can't control every last one of them, but if improving your social skills is important to you, you may want to weigh them when it's time to make decisions about things like where to live or work. Living Arrangements.
A lot of variables come into play here. Some of them are: Closeness to amenities.
Someone who lives downtown, near all the good places to hang out, is in a better spot than a person with an apartment off in the middle of nowhere. It's way easier to motivate yourself to go out when most venues are a ten- minute walk away vs. People are also way more likely to accept invitations to do things at your place if it's convenient to get to. How safe your neighborhood is. If you live in a sketchy part of town people may be more hesitant to visit you, and you may rightly not want anyone to come to your place to begin with. You may also have to consider things you wouldn't have to think about in a better area. For example, if friends come over you may worry about them staying too late and having to walk to the subway station at night.
You'll have to ask them to leave early enough, drive or walk them home, or make sure you can arrange a taxi to pick them up. It's all that much more of a hassle. Living with your parents vs.
Everyone knows living with your parents can cramp your style. You can't have friends over as easily, or have the freedom to use their place however you'd like. Some people may also be embarrassed to still be at home, though it's not viewed as the failure to launch that it once was, and in some cultures it's the standard thing to do.
It does have some advantages. If it allows you to save money, you be able to use that cash to help your social life in other ways. The location may be good.
Also, the whole arrangement may come with a car you can use. Living in a dorm vs. This is a big factor in university, where people who live off- campus often mention that they miss out on the easy, built- in ways to meet a ton of people. Living on your own vs. Dance Moms Joffrey Ballet Audition Full Episode.
There are lots of pros and cons to having roommates that don't have to do with socializing. But thinking about that area, it's also a mixed bag. If you get decent, compatible roommates you gain a lot of little chances to be around people and practice your interpersonal skills. Also, you'll often have plans on the weekend, since roommates typically hang out together at least some of the time. On the other hand, if you really need your own space and lots of alone time, having people constantly around may be too much for you.
Or if you want to be social, what are you going to do if your roommates aren't very outgoing themselves and make a stink about you having a lot of people over? Living with a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife.
Some people start to neglect their social lives when they're living with their partner, since he or she fulfills most of their social needs. Even if they logically realize they should have other things going on socially, they're not quite 1. This may not be a problem for a long while, but sometimes they'll wake up one day and realize they have hardly any good friends or interesting hobbies, because they've spent every spare second with their spouse. Having a good place to entertain friends. It's that much more of an advantage if your place is fun to hang out in, or has other kinds of perks.
It's easier to get people together, because you can always say, "Hey, let's all watch a movie on my giant TV, and then we can use my apartment's free rooftop BBQ, and then all sit on my balcony and enjoy the summer evening."The kinds of people in your building or neighborhood. If you're young, is your building full of other students and young professionals, or did you somehow end up in a place full of old people?
Same with your neighborhood. If you're fifty- five are your neighbors in the same place in life as you,or are you stuck in a student ghetto? The city you live in. Aside from the practicalities of what kind of housing you have, where you live is also really influential. Presence of enough people who are compatible with you. If the city someone lives in is big enough, usually this takes care of it itself and there are going to be enough people around from the same scene as them.
It doesn't always work that way though, and sometimes people need to move to a city that's a better fit for them. Watch Addicted To Fresno Online Idigitaltimes. An example could be a liberal, non- religious person moving out of a conservative part of the country. This is also a pretty big factor if someone is from a minority group and doesn't want to be too isolated. An immigrant coming to North American from India likely doesn't want to move to a small town where they'll the only person within miles who speaks Hindi. A lot of gay people move to the city, where they can join a sizable community of their peers, as opposed living in their hometown where it may have just been them and thirty other LGBT people, two thirds of whom are closeted. Size of your community.
People vary in how much they like bigger cities. According to the cliche, a lot of people leave their dull, suffocating, close- minded small towns to go somewhere where there's more going on and they can disappear into the crowd.
On the other hand, tinier places can have a better sense of community, may be more friendly, and not everyone wants to live in a cold, sprawling megalopolis. Weather (i. e., does it get ridiculously cold where you live?)It's one thing to go out in the summer. Going to a pub or walking to a friend's house is a different game entirely when leaving your apartment feels like you're stepping into Siberia.