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Posted in HomeBy adminOn 06/08/17Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The starship "Defiant" is assigned to DS9 after the crew discovers more about the Dominion and its Founders, who have a surprising connection to Odo.
The Search: Part 1. Preparing for possible invasion by the Jem'Hadar, Kira determines that Deep Space Nine lacks the firepower to defend itself. The Search: Part 2.
Odo and Kira have landed on a lone planet in the Omarion Nebula, which they have discovered is Odo's home world. The House of Quark. With bar business especially slow, Rom complains to Quark that their only customer, a Klingon named Kozak, says he's out of money.
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Equilibrium. 46m. While experimenting with a keyboard, the musically untrained Dax inexplicably plays a melody she seems to remember from somewhere. Second Skin. 46m. Kira is surprised when she sees records indicating that she was incarcerated at Elemspur, a Cardassian prison, 1. The Abandoned. 46m. A Boslic captain talks Quark into purchasing the wreckage of a ship that crashed in the Gamma Quadrant. Civil Defense. 46m.

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While working in the station's ore- processing unit, O'Brien and Jake accidently activate an automated Cardassian security program. Meridian. 46m. While exploring the Gamma Quadrant in the Defiant, Sisko, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien are shocked when a planet appears where none existed before. Into The White Full Movie more. Defiant. 46m. When Cmdr. William Riker from the Enterprise visits the station, an intrigued Kira takes him on a tour, particularly of the Defiant. Fascination. 46m. The Bajoran Gratitude Festival, an annual celebration, is about to get underway, and both Kira and O'Brien await the arrival of their loves. Past Tense: Part 1.

En route to a symposium in San Francisco, Sisko, Dax and Bashir are lost during transport to Earth from the Defiant. Past Tense: Part 2. Sisko, posing as Gabriel Bell in the 2. Processing Center. Life Support. 46m.
When a serious accident nearly destroys a Bajoran transport arriving at the space station, Vedek Bareil is critically injured. Heart of Stone. 46m. While travelling in a Runabout, Kira and Odo learn that a Maquis ship has ambushed a Lissepian vessel. Destiny. 46m. Sisko is excited about working with two Cardassian scientists who are assigned to help deploy a subspace relay in the Gamma Quadrant.
Prophet Motive. 46m. Zek, the Ferengi Grand Nagus, pays a visit to Deep Space Nine and moves into Quark's quarters, where he takes on an important project. Visionary. 46m. Romulans arrive to study reports on the Dominion, a privilege granted in exchange for the use of a cloaking device aboard the Defiant. Distant Voices. 46m.
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An alien named Altovar approaches Bashir to obtain a restricted substance. The doctor refuses, prompting Altovar to later break into the infirmary. Through the Looking Glass. Sisko is abducted by a double of O'Brien, who takes him to the mirror universe that Kira and Bashir visited a year ago.
Improbable Cause. A peaceful afternoon is shattered when Garak's shop is destroyed by an explosion.
The Die Is Cast. 46m. After rejoining his former Cardassian mentor, Enabran Tain, Garak helps him in a joint mission with the Obsidian Order and the Romulan Tal Shiar. Explorers. 46m. Sisko returns from a trip to Bajor with the blueprint for an ancient space vessel that operates like a sailboat, using solar pressure for propulsion.
Family Business. 46m. An agent named Brunt from the Ferengi Commerce Authority serves Quark with a Writ of Accountability for improper supervision of a family member. Shakaar. 46m. When the first minister of the Bajoran Provisional Government dies, Kai Winn is appointed to his duties and is about to be formally elected. Facets. 46m. Jadzia Dax prepares for her zhian'tara, the Trill Rite of Closure. During the ritual, Jadzia will meet Dax's previous hosts. Fail Safe Online Putlocker. The Adversary. 46m. During a party celebrating Sisko's promotion to captain, Ambassador Krajensky takes him aside and quietly reveals that there has been a coup.